There are specialized reference resources in all branches of linguistics. Most of these resources can be found either electronically or in the 9th floor reference area.
These resources provide access to linguistic corpora or other materials that may be valuable for corpus-based work.
The Caselaw Access Project (“CAP”) expands public access to U.S. law. Our goal is to make all published U.S. court decisions freely available to the public online, in a consistent format, digitized from the collection of the Harvard Law Library.
CAP includes all official, book-published United States case law — every volume designated as an official report of decisions by a court within the United States.
The scope includes all state courts, federal courts, and territorial courts for American Samoa, Dakota Territory, Guam, Native American Courts, Navajo Nation, and the Northern Mariana Islands. Earliest case is from 1658, and most recent cases are from 2018.
Each volume has been converted into structured, case-level data broken out by majority and dissenting opinion, with human-checked metadata for party names, docket number, citation, and date.