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Art and Art History

This guide is intended for the beginner researcher in art and art history.

Art and Art History

    Still Life with Books in a Niche

Barthélémy d'Eyck. Still Life with Books in a Niche, 1442-1445. Rijksmuseum. 

Research Tips

Prepare in advance.

Give yourself plenty of time to find resources before your assignment is due. Unlike resources in other disciplines, many art resources are not available digitally. Finding resources could include a physical visit to Bobst, making an appointment with special collections, or requesting a book from another library. 

Save your citations as you work.

The library offers free access to bibliographic management tools such as RefWorks and Zotero. These programs allow you to save citations directly from the library catalog, that way you can bookmark articles and books to come back to and read later. These programs can also save you time by generating bibliographies to include in your research. More information on generating citations can be found in the Citation Style Research Guide. 

The library is here to help!

During the Fall and Spring semesters, the library provides 24 hour reference services through Ask A Librarian. This live chat service can be accessed on any page on the library's website by using the purple box in the bottom right hand corner labeled "Chat With Us" or by visiting

Professional Organizations

There are several professional organizations related to the study of Art History and its related fields. These organizations provide benefits to membership such as conference discounts, grants, publications, and member networks. Many also provide free resources online. Joining one or more of these organizations is a great way to expand your network and to help with your job search when the time comes.