The Skirball Center also houses the William K. Everson Film Collection, containing over 4,000 feature-length films and a like number of short subjects spanning every filmmaking genre, along with an extensive manuscript collection of original scripts, autobiographical materials, correspondence and ephemera; the holdings are particularly strong in materials documenting the silent film era.
Popular databases for use of Cinema Studies research.
EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) encompasses articles in databases across many disciplines. Users can locate peer reviewed articles, videos, audio files, images, and more from a range of subjects.
Full download of DRM-protected ebooks requires EBSCO account registration and Adobe Digital Editions.
Note: NYU Libraries is retiring EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) in June 2025. The Catalog Search replaces EDS as the tool for searching across multiple publishers’ databases and platforms. You can also use EBSCOhost to search across the full set of EBSCO-only databases.
Often research in cinema entails use of a cross-disciplinary approach. Use the Articles & Databases page on the library's site for more ideas on how to integrate ideas.
Freely available websites to support your research in Cinema Studies.