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NYU Shanghai Library Orientations

Video Modules for First-Year Undergraduate and Graduate students at NYU Shanghai

Library Policies

Save My Spot

Please Note

Save My Spot is used throughout the Library's study spaces in the Academic Building on Century Avenue. This semester, we are not only using Save My Spot to hold your seat for brief study breaks, but also as a method of contact tracing. This is very important for the healthy & safety of the NYU Shanghai community in light of COVID-19. 

Thank you in advance for your help keeping the students, faculty, and staff at NYU Shanghai safe!

Use ARes to Check Course Reserves

Want to know more?

Bonus Video here! Watch a brief video introduction to the Library's Course Reserves.

Self Check-Out

Want to know more?

Bonus Video here! Watch a brief video introduction to the Library's collections.

Kickstart your Research (optional video)

NYU Zoom

Looking for help?

Please contact for questions related.

NYU LMS (Brightspace)

From accessing course materials, to collaborating online with classmates and instructors, NYU LMS (Brightspace) offers a ton of resources to meet your learning goals and needs. Each course that you take at NYU might feature a corresponding course website with learning materials.

Can't find your course site?

Most courses would use NYU LMS to deliver content, however, there might be exceptions.

If you can't find a course site associated to a course that you are enrolled in Albert, please follow the checklist here to figure it out.

Looking for help?

Please contact for questions related.