Tips for better search results in databases
This usage works on most databases, but check 'Help' sections for supported search syntax.
(using operators: AND, OR, NOT)
animal AND human
searches for occurrences of both words within scope defined
cat OR dog
searches for one or all, but both are not required
canine NOT dog
searches for occurrences of the word ‘canine’ without use of the word ‘dog’
(therapy NOT physical) AND animal
searches for occurrences of the word ‘therapy’ without use of the word ‘physical,’ then also requires the word ‘animal’
searches for art, arts, artistic, artful, etc.
searches for man and men
General databases contain content from a variety of subject areas and publication types. This will allow you to look at your research from a wide perspective. Be sure to use the search refinements each database may offer including: date, document type, and source type.
Unlike the general databases, subject-specific databases generally focus solely on journal articles as a publication type and do not have a broad, multidisciplinary approach. This list contains links to a few of the core databases in a variety of subject areas. For deeper research into a specific subject area, consult the research guide for that area or contact the subject librarian.
Zoological Record is the world's oldest continuing database of animal biology. It is considered the world's leading taxonomic reference, and with coverage back to 1864, has long acted as the world's unofficial register of animal names. The broad scope of coverage ranges from biodiversity and the environment to taxonomy and veterinary sciences.