Photo credit: Weiwei Lin
If you’ve ever wondered where the “fun” books in Bobst Library are, you’re not alone! While there are certainly plenty of titles that support NYU students’ non-academic interests in the library, it’s been years since there was a dedicated spot for patrons to stop by and pick up a new bestseller.
Introducing: the NYU Libraries Engagement Collection, an ever-changing set of titles curated to support the NYU community’s non-academic interests and foster a sense of belonging at NYU. “The books in this collection are designed to be read for fun,” says Jane Excell, Assistant Director for Collection Development at NYU Libraries and curator of the new collection, “for personal and professional growth, and for deepening your connection to the university and to the city.”
Tucked into the shelves of Bobst Library’s 2nd Floor North Reading Room, you’ll find a variety of titles: new bestsellers in fiction and non-fiction, recent titles by NYU faculty and published by NYU Press, titles related to New York and to the college experience, and specific, themed collections that rotate over time. “One of the goals is to surprise you with what you'll find here, and keep surprising you every time you come back and see new titles and themes.”
While NYU Libraries often curates staff picks in our digital Research Guides, the Engagement Collection is one of the few spots where these hand-selected books all live together in one physical space. Our team receives and rotates out new titles regularly, so there’s always something new to discover.
When asked what her favorite part of working on this collection has been, Jane beamed. “I'd say it's the enthusiastic and creative responses that library staff have had to the collection! I've seen people's eyes just light up when we handle these books or talk about the next theme, and I think that's at least partly because it's a reminder of why many of us got into this business in the first place: because we love books and reading!”
Check out our interview with Jane on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn to learn more about the collection and the inspiration behind it.
The Engagement Collection features a rotating selection of leisure reading titles hand-picked by our librarians, including NYU Press titles and NYU faculty authors.
The Engagement Collection is also our home for physical copies Stay True, by Hua Hsu, the 2024-25 NYU Reads title. We also provide access to e-book and audiobook versions
Learn more about accessing Stay True »
Discover the Engagement Collection for yourself in the Bobst Library 2nd Floor North Reading Room or in our online catalog.
Happy reading!