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Literature Reviews in the Social Sciences

A guide on conducting & writing literature reviews for students in the Social Sciences.

Organization prevents perspiration!

The importance of having an organizing system for your sources cannot be overstated.  It will save you time and tears in the long run, and you're best off picking a system early in the process and sticking with it.

There are three systems that the library can help you with:  Zotero, RefWorks & EndNote.  These tools are called citation management software.  

This is what they do:

  • Serve as a place to keep your citations
  • Work in tandem with most databases & catalogs, so you can easily 'save' the sources you find and review them later
  • Systems for organizing--usually within folders
  • Create & export bibliographies
  • Share with others in a group, professors, etc.



Get started with RefWorks

More info on citing your sources

Plus links to other types of software (Zotero, EndNote, etc.)