Hello! I am Vicky Rampin, the Librarian for Research Data Management and Reproducibility. I am also the liaison to computer science and data science programs at NYU! I am here to help you navigate the resources for both at NYU and beyond. You can set up an appointment with me or always email me at: vs77@nyu.edu.
If you need help with a specific quantitative, GIS, or qualitative software, you should reach out to Data Services.
At some point in your computer science career, you will probably need access to some medium or high performance computing infrastructure. You would use the HPC when you need to deal with some data that is too large to be dealt with on your local machine.
HPC infrastructure is basically a bunch of clusters (computers) to which people submit jobs (scripts) and wait for them to be first in the queue, then run. Runs last from minutes to days, depending on the size of the input data. Typically you have to use the command line to access clusters. So a typical workflow might look like this:
Computing Resources are available to anyone with a CIMs account. Courant accounts are available to all faculty, researchers, administrative staff, and graduate students affiliated with CIMS, the Math and CS departments. CIMS accounts can also be given to collaborators, visitors, and students who are otherwise ineligible (eg, from other departments) but are enrolled in Math or CS graduate classes, or working with a member of Courant's faculty. CIMS accounts may also be given to undergraduate students registered for certain classes. See more info about how to obtain an account. They also maintain backups and provide some storage for these resources.
NYU Research Technology's High Performance Computing department maintains computing infrastructure that is available to the NYU community for research and teaching and learning. The HPC team also provides classes (live and online) and support for using the clusters.
There is also the Secure Research Data Environment service, which is available on a case-by-case basis. This is a custom secure research environment for you to store sensitive data and analyze it.
The HPC team has also put together documentation on how to transfer large amounts of data to and from the NYU HPC: