NYU Shanghai Library compiled and developed this guide to provide direction and access to data sources and other resources in primarily open repositories and public databases for our users. One of our goals is to facilitate discovering, sharing, and archiving research data in STEM and Social Sciences.
We also provide tips of finding data resources on your own on this page.
Please feel free to share this guide to anyone who may be interested. The lists and collections in this guide are not exhaustive. We welcome suggestions and feedback from our users.
Browsing databases in NYU Libraries' subscriptions
Searching datasets for your area of research in data repositories
subject repositories
Tracing literature
tracking citations of data sources across journal articles
data and method section in a journal article
supplementary material in a journal article
Publisher mandates and journal recommendations (e.g. Recommended Repositories by PLOS Biology, Data Repository Guidance by Nature)
Searching in your search engine with keywords of "LibGuides" and your topic of interest
Government information
Everything can be data (e.g. web data, newspapers, audiovisuals)
Yun Dai
Data Librarian
Qinghua Xu
STEM Librarian