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Dewey Data Introduction

Dewey is a research data platform for accessing data for academic research and provides access to third-party datasets across a variety of data categories including corporate finance, real estate, public policy, workforce management, marketing, urban planning, GIS, behavioral economics, weather. Feature datasets include SafeGraph, Advan Research, dataplor.

For more information, please view Dewey Data Available at NYU.

How to access Dewey?

All current NYU faculty, students, and researchers are eligible for access to and may use the data included in their subscription or purchase additional datasets at an academic discount. Access to Dewey requires users to have an individual account by following these steps:

  1. Register: Go to and register for a Dewey account using your NYU email address (recommended format
  2. Approval: Your account will be upgraded once a Dewey administrator approves your request. Approval may take up to 48 hours, and you will receive an email notification once approval is granted.

Terms and Conditions

  1. If NYU’s license to Dewey Data ends, users must delete any data downloaded from Dewey Data. However, data access may be extended if it is needed for a publication that was accepted for publication at the time the subscription ended or if required by a funder or open science mandate to retain the data (Dewey Data may request documented proof).
  2. Users cannot compare/verify/evaluate Dewey’s data with other sources and publish those findings elsewhere.
  3. Users cannot publish the data in raw form.
  4. During the term, “Authorized Users” at New York University may include up to ten (10) professors from up to three (3) different third-party universities. These professors must (i) agree to comply with the terms of this Agreement as directed by Dewey and (ii) be part of an authorized research team with a NYU faculty member.