The NYU Libraries' catalog allows you to search for books and book-length materials in our collections. It now also includes many of our online databases, allowing you to view articles and other materials in your search.
Subject headings are words and phrases which constitute a "controlled vocabulary" to categorize books by subject field. Subject headings often indicate the contents of books in terms that their titles (or your keywords) do not use, which often may be very general.
Use general subject headings for searching a broad topic or more specific subject headings for a specific text, film, or play. You will find (more) headings specific to the subject category within the left-hand facets in our online catalog. If you want to see the subject headings for a specific title, click on the "details" link in the title record.
You can also use subject headings to locate material on a specific author. When referring to specific people, subject headings often include birth and death dates.
Academic libraries that use the Library of Congress Classification Outline (the majority of them) can easily be browsed for serendipitous discovery of wonderful books in your subject area. All you need to know is the call number range to get yourself situated.
Literature Online (LION) isn't just for literary criticism - it also contains full-text editions of major works (and some not so major works as well!). There are a number of ways to search for texts, so here are a few:
Have you heard about a great book, but found that it is not available in the NYU Libraries? You can now recommend that a copy be purchased for the collection.