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Using Google for Research

Guide to advanced search features in Google, Google Scholar, and Google Books.

Using Google Books to Find Books at NYU Libraries

Classic Google Books interface

  1. Do a search in Google Books, then click on a result, and click on "Find in a library" in the left sidebar (or "Get this book in print" then "Find in a library"). Then, skip to step 3 in the "New Google Books interface" section below.

Screenshot showing location of Find in a library link on Google Books record.Screenshot showing location of Find in a library link under Get this book in print link. 

New Google Books interface

  1. Do a search in Google Books, then click on a result, and click the tab that says, "Get the book" 

Screenshot showing location of Get the book tab on record in New Google Books.

  1. In the "Borrow" section toward the bottom of the page, there may be some libraries listed, but NYU Libraries probably won't be one of them. Instead, click "Search Worldcat"

Screenshot of Borrow section of Google Books record showing Search Worldcat link.

  1. In the book's WorldCat record, locate the "Find a copy in the library" section, toward the bottom of the page. If "New York University" appears there, clicking on it will take you to the catalog record in the NYU Libraries Catalog, and show how you can get a copy of the book. If "New York University" is missing from the list, you can try entering the Bobst Library zipcode (10012) and searching again or contacting Ask a Librarian for help.

Screenshot of Worldcat record showing location of New York University link.