Highly recommended as the place to start! The Library Catalog searches across the library's electronic holdings all at once, and across many disciplines. Users can locate peer reviewed articles, videos, audio files, images, and more from a range of subjects.
Best bets for scholarly articles and peer-reviewed research studies
ProQuest Central is a large, multidisciplinary database with over 11,000 titles, with over 8,000 titles in full-text. It serves as the central resource for researchers at all levels in all markets. Over 160 subjects areas are covered extensively in this product including business and economics, health and medical, news and world affairs, technology, social sciences and more.
Web of Science: All Databases (formerly Web of Science Plus; Web of Knowledge) allows you to cross-search databases in a variety of subjects, including: Web of Science Core Collection, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Food Science and Technology Abstracts, Medline, and Journal Citation Reports.
SAGE Journals Online is a single-search interface for full-text access to journals published by SAGE. Users can discover content in many disciplines across the Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Engineering, and Life Sciences.
JSTOR provides access to scholarly journals, primarily in the humanities and social sciences. In addition to journal articles, users can access book chapters, ebooks, and primary source documents.
Gartner provides access to information technology and high tech industry and market research reports, and includes their popular "magic quadrant", "hyper cycle", and "cool vendors" series.
When you click on the database link, you will be prompted to answer questions that will help customize your Gartner Reports profile. You may adjust those profile settings once you are on the database homepage.
eMarketer monitors, aggregates, and analyzes data in the form of analyst reports from resources supplied by research firms, consultancies, government agencies, and universities. eMarketer focuses on worldwide Internet usage and e-business. The reports, articles, and in this database charts cover broadband and dial-up, consumers and e-commerce, e-business and IT, marketing and advertising; media and entertainment, demographics and usage; and mobile markets. eMarketer includes access to analyst reports, all downloadable in PDF, JPG, and Excel formats.
A valid NYU NetId and password is required to access this resource
Statista aggregates data on markets, industry, politics, economics, and population. Users can export datasets in a variety of formats. Sources include trade publications, market and opinion research institutions, government sources, business and economic databases, reference publications, media sources, and scholarly articles. Include Statista's "Global Consumer Survey", which helps marketers understand consumer behavior and brand interaction.
Emerging Markets Information Service contains articles, news, financial filings for publicly held companies, and analyst reports in emerging countries in Asia, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe.
Mintel Reports offers research reports covering European, UK, and US consumer markets. The reports analyse market drivers, sizes and trends, market segmentation, along with consumer attitudes and purchasing habits. The reports are supplemented by brief digests of relevant recent events and UK and US demographic and economic statistics.
Mintel GNPD (Global New Products Database) monitors worldwide product innovation and new product activity in consumer packaged goods markets. It covers food, drink, household, beauty & personal care, healthcare, and pets. GNPD allows you to screen hundreds of thousands of products by country, category, packaging, price, and other features. GNPD's analytical tools are helpful for analyzing trends in product claims, ingredients, and packaging, in addition to identifying competing products.