For help formatting your citations in APA style, see the following resources:
Citation management software helps you take notes, organize research, import citations from electronic databases and catalogs, format reference lists in standard styles (MLA, APA etc.); insert footnotes and endnotes directly into your papers.
Come to a Library Workshop or view this comparison list.
If you just need some quick citation formatting without having to download software, check out Zotero Bib!
If you're working on a literature review that is meant to be completed in a systematic fashion (e.g., you're following a pre-determined protocol, driven by an established guidelines, and you'll be reporting according to PRISMA standards), you will need to track your references carefully, tracking the total number of references located by database searching, the number of duplicates from different databases, and how many records are excluded after each screening phase. Citation managers like EndNote and Zotero are useful for these processes, but Covidence is designed for systematic reviews, allowing you to manage the workflow more seamlessly.
Covidence works with reference managers (e.g.,EndNote, Zotero, Refworks, Mendeley) to screen results for the purposes of systematic reviews and other research projects.
Link to Covidence to request a Covidence account using your NYU email address.
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(do NOT click the "free trial" account; do NOT "sign in with Cochrane" Select the option for NYU access).
Covidence Knowledge Base: Importing references in Covidence
If you are using a citation manager to store bibliographic data related to your evidence synthesis project, it is recommended that you maintain back up copies of your data.
Recommended steps for backing up bibliographic data will vary depending on your software of choice (Zotero, EndNote or RefWorks) - more information can be found on the guide for Data Management Planning - Storage & Backup.