Click here to find a select list of relevant books available at Bobst library. All titles are linked to Bobcat results so that you can easily find call numbers and availability information.
This bibliographic guide has been compiled by Dr. Aruna Magier, NYU, and was last updated in August 2014.
In order to get books on South Asian diaspora, here are a few search strategies and keywords that will help you get relevant results:
1. Go to
2. Choose 'Subject' as your search option, instead of the default "anywhere in the record".
3. Type in any or each of these Subject search terms:South Asian immigration, South Asian Diaspora, South Asians -- Foreign Countries, South Asians -- Ethnic Identity, South Asians -- Emigration and immigration. You can also search by country in this format: [Country] diaspora, eg. "Nepal diaspora", to further narrow down your search results.
4. If you want a specific media type, such as just books, please choose "Books" from the pull-down menu of the left box instead of the default "All Items". If you want results from all formats such as journals, videos, online etc, keep the limit box to option 'All Items'.