Education Trends in Perspective: Analysis of the World Education IndicatorsIncludes 19 middle-income countries comprising over 50 per cent of the world population. By analysing trends in WEI countries between 1995 and 2003 and comparing them to OECD countries, this volume examines the factors which can generate growth in education in one country and constrain it in another. The countries participating in WEI include: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Jordan, Malaysia, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, the Russian Federation, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay and Zimbabwe. This site contains statistical tables, which were published in the report, in an electronic format (EXCEL), along with data tables complementing the presented tables, such as data by gender or additional age groups and teacher salaries as percentage of GDP. There is also a link to the full set of questionnaires used to gather the education data for this publication.