Recently, there have been significant changes to the availability of federal data. These data are heavily used by researchers and the general public; they also undergird policy and funding decisions made on behalf of people across the US and worldwide. We are following these developments closely and contributing to the many data rescue efforts by organizations and individuals across the research community.
If you are having difficulty accessing data you use for your research and/or teaching, or are concerned about posting data you have created on federally-hosted websites please reach out to Data Services via our request form.
The Internet Archive is a free, non-profit public digital library and archive that preserves and provides access to digitized books, webpages, images, audio, and video. Archived government information can be found in several places:
The Data Rescue Project is a coordinated effort among a group of data organizations, including IASSIST, RDAP, and members of the Data Curation Network. Their goal is to serve as a clearinghouse for data rescue-related efforts and data access points for public US governmental data that are currently at risk.
The Data Rescue Project website includes useful resources for researchers and students. There are also instructions on how to contribute to the Data Rescue Project efforts.
Checklists for Data Rescue: