Online video training library with expert-led videos and courses covering software, and techniques in business, digital media, design, photography, animation, development, and more
Formerly, LinkedIn Learning provides the same services and access to resources via the LinkedIn platform.
Search for books in print, forthcoming books, and out of print books. Industry’s leading international bibliographic database offering more than 8 million English-language titles from the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.
Indexes reviews of current fiction and non-fiction, and provides review excerpts and over 100,000 full text reviews. The database includes children’s books as well as books for adults and young adults. Dates of coverage: 1983 to present.
Provides excerpts from, and citations to, reviews of adult and juvenile fiction and non-fiction. Reviews of the following types of books are excluded: government publications, textbooks, and technical books in the sciences and law. Dates of coverage: 1908-1982.
Book History Online (BHO) is a comprehensive international bibliography covering scholarly monographs, articles, and reviews in the fields of book and library history, focusing on the production and distribution of printed books in their economic and socio-cultural contexts, as well as their preservation and description. It is the online continuation of the Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries.