The Library subscribes to a wide range of electronic databases. Some contain full text of journals, newspapers, magazines or books while others contain only citations and abstracts.
In most cases, you will have to login to the database if you are off campus. Login using NYU NetID and password.
Use recommended databases below to start your research.
If you need a journal that's the most influential in your field try Journal Citation Reports (JCR) by ISI Web of Knowledge. JCR provides statistical information on the influence and impact a journal has in its field.
= More information
= Some full text is available
= Database search help
= Article linker enabled
= Restricted to NYU*
* You will be prompted to log in when off-campus.
Many databases have email Alerts and RSS feeds. These tools bring the latest information to you. Take advantage of them by signing up with individual database providers. For more information on RSS feeds visit RSS: Making Information Come to You