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Company and Industry Information

This guide contains core research resources for company and industry research.

Company Profiles

Find company profiles, financials, SEC Filings, analyst reports, industry research, news and more with these multi-content resources:

Not finding what you're looking for?  The full list of company databases is available on the NYU Business Library's company page.

SEC Filings including Annual Reports & 10Ks

Public companies are required to file various forms with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and as a result SEC Filings, including Annual Reports & 10Ks, are readily available in many sources.  These include the company website, EdgarOnline (SEC) and the select list of databases available via NYU that are listed below.  

Corporate Organization Structure

Corporate organization charts may be proprietary information and difficult to find.  Sometimes a company may publish the chart in their annual report or SEC 10-K filing.

The listing below allows access to up to 20 organization charts for free:
