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Bern Dibner Library of Science & Technology (Brooklyn)

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What is Dibner Discussions?

Dibner Discussions is a monthly series for NYU students to talk about current events and social issues in STEM through an interdisciplinary lens. All participants must agree to our Guidelines for Respectful Discussion prior to participating. If you require support after the discussion, please see this resource guide for information on resources available to NYU students. Scroll down to view themes, recordings, and resources from previous years. (Note: registration opens 4 weeks prior to the event date.)

Topics and Dates:

[Running resources and additional info document]

Spring 2025

  • Monday, February 10 from 2 - 3 PM | LC 433 (REGISTER)
    • Topic: Whose Data is it Anyway?

      You might be familiar with the sentiment - “if a service is free, you are the product”. This month’s discussion will be held during Data Services’ Love Data Week and will focus on exploring the impacts of current day data ownership norms and practices. It may seem fair to allow Google to collect and sell data about your usage patterns on their platforms, but how does this translate to a company like 23andMe owning and using your genetic data? Who does your data belong to?

  • Monday, March 10 from 2 - 3 PM | LC 433 (REGISTER)
    • Topic: Ghost Work & AI

      Generative AI and other types of artificial intelligence often seem like magic when presented to end users. These products seem to work relatively seamlessly and the impression is that teams of software developers and engineers are solely responsible for their operation and maintenance. But what happens when ChatGPT or DallE produces concerning content? Who steps in to moderate posts on Facebook, TikTok, or Instagram? Ghost work is a term often used to refer to the unseen labor of people who are tasked with content moderation, labelling data for training datasets, and other tasks necessary for AI to function. In this month’s discussion we’ll learn more about ghost workers and discuss the role they play in AI.

  • Monday, April 14 from 2 - 3 PM | LC 433 (REGISTER)
    • Topic: Bad Algorithm

      The name of this month’s discussion might be somewhat misleading - after all, don’t algorithms perform the exact task they are programmed to perform? While a machine learning model may perfectly execute the algorithm(s) it is programmed to execute, what types of assumptions and norms are baked into those algorithms? How does one translate something as subjective as emotion into a rigid and measurable category that a computer can process? What are the consequences of these translations? This month’s discussion will ask you to try out this translation process yourself.

Previous Topics:

Fall 2024

  • Wednesday, September 25 from 2:30 - 3:30 PM | LC 433
    • Topic: STEM, Ethics, & Society

      Do scientists, engineers, software developers, and other STEM researchers or professionals have a responsibility to make sure their research or work is used ethically? Should STEM professionals and researchers consider how their work may be used in the future? This discussion will tackle these questions while also looking at archival materials from the Polytechnic Archives during the Vietnam War and comparing how students and faculty considered these same issues.

  • Wednesday, October 30 from 2:30 - 3:30 PM | LC 433 
    • Topic: Generative AI

      OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT and DALL-E, has recently released Sora AI which generates video from text inputs. What are the implications of generative AI tools such as Sora AI and DALL-E? What impact will they have on misinformation and disinformation? Are these tools ethical? How would we answer that question? 

Spring 2024

  • Wednesday, February 28 from 2-3 PM | LC 433
    • Topic: Algorithmic bias - how do biases exist in the algorithms used in automated decision making systems we use to determine who to hire, who should receive benefits, and more? In what ways does algorithmic bias impact tools like ChatGPT and Google's search engine? How can technologists respond to these biases?
  • Thursday, April 25 from 2-3 PM | LC 433
    • Topic: Will Tech Save Us? - There's an app for that! It's almost impossible to imagine living in the world today without access to technology or the internet. This discussion will explore the impact of technology on our lives - and, what impact technology should have on our lives (if any).

Fall 2023

  • Tuesday, September 26 from 2-3 PM | LC 433
    • Topic: Is college fair? - how do factors such as the recent supreme court decisions on college admissions, debates among which majors are "better" than others, and the rising cost of tuition impact how we think of college?
  • Tuesday, October 24 from 2-3 PM | LC 433
    • Topic: Can science cause harm? - this discussion will incorporate perspectives from the 2023-4 NYU Reads selection, How the Word Is Passed by Clint Smith, to explore the ways in which scientific progress and harm coincide.
  • Tuesday, November 28 from 2-3 PM | LC 433
    • Topic: Open science - how accessible should scientific research and data be? What are the potential impacts of making scientific scholarship more accessible? What are our responsibilities as researchers?

Spring 2023

  • Tuesday, February 28 from 2-3 PM | LC 433
    • Topic: "If I have nothing to hide, I have nothing to fear" - what expectations should people have around their data and privacy in the digital world? Come for the pizza, stay for the discussion and let us know what you think!
  • Tuesday, March 28 from 2-3 PM | LC 433
    • Topic: ChatGPT - there's a new tool that can write your essay for you! What impacts will ChatGPT have on education? Is it possible to plagiarize an AI? What types of biases (if any) can an AI essay generator have? Let's talk about it! Please note: pizza will not be served so that students observing Ramadan can participate in this session, we will be giving out to-go snack bags instead!
  • Tuesday, April 25 from 2-3:30 PM | LC 433
    • Topic: Wikipedia - is Wikipedia a reliable resource? What makes something reliable? How do we know if the information we're looking at is accurate? Eat pizza with us and discuss! This session includes time for participants to contribute to Wikipedia article references.

Spring 2021: STEM and Social Justice

Inclusive Design for a Digital World with Professor Regine Gilbert

Fall 2020: Anti-Racism in STEM

Mapping Social Justice with Michelle Thompson Gumbs

The Past, Present, and Future of Tech Discrimination with Dr. Joy Rankin & Dr. Sarah Myers West

Contact Tracing and Marginalized Communities with Prof. Kadija Ferryman