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Digital Humanities

An introductory guide to the wide world of the Digital Humanities (DH).

Multimedia Storytelling

Crafting your research into a non-academic story can be a powerful DH implementation. The following categories provide tools for:

  • Tools, Apps, and Software
  • 3D Modeling, Photogrammetry, AR, & VR
  • Oral histories and podcasts
  • Open image and multimedia collections
  • Embeddable exhibits
  • Easy animations

At the bottom of this page, you'll also find some recommended readings and examples of interactive storytelling.

Some Examples of Interactive Narratives

Tools, Apps, & Software

Static Sites and Minimal Computing

Static sites are websites that serve pre-built pages stored on a web server. Static sites tend to be easier to create and maintain, and require less back-end programming knowledge.

Tools for creating a static site or utilizing minimal computing:

3D Modeling, Photogrammetry, AR, & VR

Oral Histories & Podcasts

Open Image & Multimedia Collections

The following websites provide searchable repositories of images, sound, moving images, and other digital assets from which to build your transmedia work.

Easy Animations

Recommended Reading