Google Scholar is a time-saving, scholarly search interface accessible from within the Google interface. With Google Scholar, you can access peer-reviewed journal articles, books and book sections. For literature searching, specialized databases have more functionality and access more comprehensive results, but Google Scholar is a good tool to use for a search for a known item.
You can configure Google Scholar to:
- Display a link to NYU options for the full-text of an article
- Export your citations to RefWorks or EndNote
Here's how to display NYU links:
- Open
- Go to the left screen, 3 bars, "Settings"
- Click on menu item, "Library Links"
- Type in: NYU
- From the results, put a check mark next to "New York University Libraries-GetIt at NYU"
- Click on Save to save preferences.
The next time you search, the GetIt at NYU option will be available next to accessible article citations.
Here's how to change settings for Bibliography manager:
- Open
- Go to the left screen, 3 bars, "Settings"
- In the Search Results, go to Bibliography Manager
- Select Show Links to import citation into: (your choice of bibliography manager, BibTex, Refworks, Endnote, etc.)
- Click on Save to save preferences.