SimplyAnalytics is a web-based mapping, analytics and data visualization program providing data variables. Users have access to demographics, marketing data, consumer behavior (purchasing and product usage data), market segments, health, and business points for States, Congressional Districts, Counties, Cities/Places, ZIP Codes, Census Tracts and Block Groups. Users can also export data, maps, reports and shapefiles for use outside of SimplyAnalytics. Now includes Nielsen Scarborough Data Module.
Users are not required to log-in with a user name and password; however, in order to save your work, it is recommended that you create your own user account. SimplyMap user accounts are still functional in the SimplyAnalytics interface.
PolicyMap is a web mapping platform that contains data on demographics, real estate, city crime rates, health, schools, housing affordability, employment, energy, and public investments. Users can create online, interactive maps that can be shared and can upload their own point data to be juxtaposed with the data PolicyMap contains.
Data.Census.Gov, the interface that replaces American FactFinder, is the portal to US Census data and includes data from the American Community Survey, Population Estimates, Economic Census, and Annual Economic Surveys. Users can generate simple visualizations, extract reports, and explore census data by theme or topic.
Sample Data
In class, we will experiment with creating a visualization in Carto. Access all of the data you will need below.
The single most important educational data resource in the United States, NCES is the statistical data arm of the US Department of Education, and the central clearinghouse for statistical information about education of all types. See the FastFacts, QuickTables, CommonCore, and Surveys and Programs pages to get started.
New York City Population FactFinder (NYC PFF) is a discovery portal for sample U.S. Census and American Community Survey data. Data is available at the census tract or Neighborhood Tabulation Area level.