This guide is designed to connect you to the research tools most useful for the job hunt, whether you're recruiting on or off campus, looking to secure a killer internship, going for that corner office, bouncing back from a layoff, or making a mid-career pivot.
Meeting with a recruiter or attending a corporate briefing and only have moments to prepare? Here are the most impactful documents to review:
Circle back, as needed, to your career coach and librarian as your job search evolves!
"The 2-Hour Job Search: Using Technology to Get the Right Job Faster" by Steve Dalton details a holistic approach to job searching focused on efficiency and proven strategies. Dalton is a program director and senior career consultant at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business.
Job search coaching and mentoring is a critical accompaniment to the career and employment resources provided by the library. Don't hesitate to reach out to your career center/department for help.