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Job Search, Interviewing, and Compensation

Key resources for your job and internship search provided by NYU Libraries.


This guide is designed to connect you to the research tools most useful for the job hunt, whether you're recruiting on or off campus, looking to secure a killer internship, going for that corner office, bouncing back from a layoff, or making a mid-career pivot.


High-Impact Documents

Meeting with a recruiter or attending a corporate briefing and only have moments to prepare? Here are the most impactful documents to review:

  1. Analyst Reports via LSEG Workspace or Mergent Online
    • ​SWOT Analyses via the above databases (in the Marketline or GlobalData reports)
  2. Industry Reports with Call Prep Questions via FirstResearch and IBISWorld
  3. Analyst questions from quarterly earnings conference call transcripts via LSEG Workspace (StreetEvents reports) or Factiva

Find click-through directions on the "Interviewing" page.

Job Hunt Roadmap

  1. Meet with your career coach to develop an overarching strategy and timeline. (Career Plan Worksheet [Google Doc].)
  2. Create a target company list customized to your needs, strengths, and aspirations.
  3. Identify next steps (such as networking) and any hurdles that need addressing.
  4. Research the company and industry to prepare for interviews.
  5. Gather salary and compensation data to best negotiate your offer.

Circle back, as needed, to your career coach and librarian as your job search evolves!

Designing Your New Work Life

The 2-Hour Job Search

Book cover.

"The 2-Hour Job Search: Using Technology to Get the Right Job Faster" by Steve Dalton details a holistic approach to job searching focused on efficiency and proven strategies. Dalton is a program director and senior career consultant at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business.

The Job Closer

Workshop Recording

NYU Career Centers

Job search coaching and mentoring is a critical accompaniment to the career and employment resources provided by the library. Don't hesitate to reach out to your career center/department for help.

Other Career Research Guides