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Open a Google Chrome browser (if you do not have Chrome installed on your device, you can install it by visiting Select a dataset from the list to work on a visualization. These datasets have been structured and cleaned so you can use them effectively in Google Sheets or ESRI Online.
Once you open a dataset, go to File > Make a copy... to add to your drive. Then you can add to the data, try sample visualizations in Google Sheets, or export as a .CSV and load into ESRI Online. If the group does not like any of these data sources, feel free to develop a new one.
In small groups, discuss the sample visualizations below (this is all the same data; it’s just visualized differently). In your group, ask any of the following questions:
Visualization One
This graph is a histogram that shows the distribution by age of people in the study who were not born in the United States.
Visualization Two
This dashboard shows a range of data points from the data on the experiences of second generation young adults in the United States.