Research and analyze companies, deals, funds, investors and service providers across the entire private investment lifecycle.
Please use NYU VPN to access if you are coming from off campus.
Users must create an individual account using an NYU email address at the above link. Accounts reset annually on August 1st and users must re-register. Users must always use NYU Libraries' link to log in.
CB Insights is a venture capital analytics platform that provides real-time information about startups, venture capital companies, and angel investors in the United States.
Requires creation of a CB Insights account with an active NYU email. If your credentials have expired or you receive a trial account error, contact
Not all "Research" reports fall under NYU's subscription. Locked "Expert Intelligence" reports are not sold to academic clients.
Individual accounts may only download up to 6,000 rows of data per year. Faculty accounts with expanded downloading capabilities may be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Email the Business Library team using our form for more information.
Individual account creation required before you can login. Account requests require a mandatory 7-10 business day processing period.Users with existing accounts may log into the web interface here. LSEG Workspace provides access to fundamental financial data on public companies, merger and acquisitions, financial market data and quotes, analyst reports, and private equity and venture capital. It features powerful screening and charting capabilities. This product was formerly known as Thomson ONE, Eikon, and Refinitiv Workspace.
Each user is permitted to view and/or download up to 150 pages of analyst report content ("AMR") per 24 hour period. Faculty may request expanded AMR access - pending availability - by emailing the Business Library team using our form.
Business Source Complete is a full text database of articles from popular, scholarly, and trade publications. Subjects covered include management, economics, finance, accounting, international business. Dates of coverage: 1886 to present.
Nexis Uni (Formerly LexisNexis Academic Universe) provides access to full-text newspapers (U.S. and some international), news wires, transcripts, and trade journals.
Please clear your browser's cache and cookies before attempting to access this resource.
ProQuest Central is a large, multidisciplinary database with over 11,000 titles, with over 8,000 titles in full-text. It serves as the central resource for researchers at all levels in all markets. Over 160 subjects areas are covered extensively in this product including business and economics, health and medical, news and world affairs, technology, social sciences and more.
ABI/INFORM features full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, key business, and economics periodicals. Researchers can locate country- and industry-focused reports, and its international focus provides a picture of companies and business trends around the world.
Factiva is a resource for U.S. and international newspapers (html full text only, no images or print layout versions), news transcripts, trade journals, newsletters, industry snapshots, and market data charts for recent stock prices. Coverage dates vary from title to title, but primarily span the late 20th century to present.