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NYU Open Access Agreements with Publishers

An overview of open access publishing deals, with specific information and resources on NYU’s negotiated deals with both journal and monograph publishers.

Current NYU Open Access Publishing Deals

This page lists all of the current open access publishing deals available to NYU researchers with academic publishers for both journals articles and monographs.

Journal Article Publishing Deals

Below are the currently negotiated NYU open access publishing deals with journal article publishers.

American Chemical Society

(up for renewal on 12/31/2025) is a nonprofit chemistry organization with over 151,000 members worldwide, as well as the publisher of over 75 peer-reviewed and highly respected journals across the chemistry field. ACS offers a rapid publishing timeline (median of two weeks from acceptance to publication) and a global audience of respected chemistry researchers. Through NYU’s Open Access deal with American Chemical Society, all NYU-affiliated researchers are eligible to publish their work open access in any of their journals (both hybrid and 100% open access journals) at no cost to the researcher. For more information, please visit our one-sheet on publishing with the American Chemical Society (Google Doc).

Cambridge University Press

(up for renewal on 12/31/2024) is a not-for-profit academic publisher which has traditionally offered subscription journals but more recently has begun publishing open access in both fully open access and hybrid journals, aiming to transition to 100% open access publishing by the end of 2024. Cambridge University Press currently offers over 350 Open Access/hybrid journals across a variety of disciplines, with particular focus on the humanities. Through NYU’s agreement with Cambridge University Press, all NYU-affiliated researchers are eligible to publish their work in any of their Open Access or hybrid journals at no cost to the researcher. For more information, please visit our one-sheet on publishing with Cambridge University Press (Google Doc).

The International Journal of Developmental Biology

(included in annual subscription) offers a 10% discount on the APC for NYU-affiliated researchers. For more information, please visit the International Journal of Developmental Biology’s website.


(up for renewal on 12/31/2024) is an academic publisher of 100 peer-reviewed medical journals, including open access and hybrid publications. Through NYU’s agreement with Karger, all NYU-affiliated researchers are eligible to publish their work in any of their Open Access or hybrid journals at no cost to the researcher. For more information, please visit Karger’s website.


(included in annual subscription) is a journal publishing the latest advances in the field of microbiology for more than seventy years. Through NYU’s agreement with Microbiology, all NYU-affiliated researchers are eligible to publish their work in this journal at no cost to the researcher. For more information, please visit the Microbiology Society's website.


(up for renewal on 12/31/2024) is a 100% open access nonprofit publisher that publishes STEM research across its twelve journals. All of the journals are open access and utilize the traditional peer review process. Through NYU’s Open Access deal with PLOS, all NYU-affiliated researchers are eligible to publish their work in any of their journals at no cost to the researcher. For more information, please visit our one-sheet on publishing with PLOS (Google Doc).


(included in annual subscription) offers a 25% discount on the APC for NYU-affiliated researchers. For more information, please visit SPIE’s website.

BioMed Central

(up for renewal on 12/31/2024), a subsidiary of Springer Nature, offers a 15% discount on the APC for NYU-affiliated researchers. For more information, please visit BioMed Central’s website.

De Gruyter

(up for renewal on 12/31/2024) is an independent academic publisher who publishes fully open access, hybrid, Subscribe to Open, and toll access journals across a variety of disciplines, with a particular focus on the humanities. Working to expand their open access publishing, De Gruyter has pledged to transition 90% of their subscription journals to open access by 2028. Through NYU’s agreement with De Gruyter, NYU-affiliated authors are eligible to publish open access in De Gruyter’s fully open access and hybrid journals at no cost to the researcher. Partner titles (journals published by partner presses and distributed by De Gruyter) are not covered under this deal. For more information, please visit our one-sheet on publishing with De Gruyter.


Below are the current negotiated deals with open access monograph publishers.

Bloomsbury Open Collections

is a project that seeks to publish 20 frontlist monographs in African Studies and International Development by February 2025 at no cost to authors. While the first iteration of the project is a closed pilot, Bloomsbury intends to repeat and expand the project in future years if the pilot is successful.

Lived Places Publishing

is a press which publishes monographs on social identity and place that are designed for simple integration into university curricula. 5% of all sales go towards funding open access publications at their authors' request. 

MIT Press’s Direct to Open program

uses the collective power of libraries to subsidize new publications of scholarly monographs that are available digitally open access with the option to purchase a physical copy, at no cost to authors. About 25% of MIT Press’ books are published open access. 

University of Michigan Press

has committed itself to publish an increasing number of their monographs open access (75% in 2023) through their Fund to Mission project, at no cost to authors. 


Open Educational Resources Commons

is a digital public library for educators to create and publish open educational resources for students from preschool through university. To upload open educational resources, please visit their website.

Quick Facts on NYU Publishing Deals

Please see below an overview of all of NYU's current open access publishing deals.
Publisher Publication Type Discount
American Chemical Society Journal Articles 100%
Bloomsbury Open Collections Monographs 100%
Cambridge University Press Journal Articles  100%
International Journal of Developmental Biology Journal Articles 10%
Karger Journal Articles 100%
Microbiology Journal Articles 100%
MIT Press Monographs 100%
OER Commons Open Educational resources free to use
PLOS Journal Articles 100%
SPIE Journal Articles 25%
BioMed Central (part of Springer Nature) Journal Articles 15%
University of Michigan Press Monographs 100%
De Gruyter Journal Articles 100%