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Using RSS feeds

What is RSS?

RSS feeds publish frequently updated online content  in a standardized format that you may subscribe to via a "feed reader" that aggregates postings.  Journal publishers, academic sites, news organizations,  bloggers, Research Guides such as these and others post RSS feeds for the kind of information that gets regularly updated, and which you may be accessing frequently or wish to be notified about.  You can create a customized list of "feeds" that display in your reader on your desktop.

How do I get an RSS feed reader?

  • NYU Home has a customizable feed reader under the "News" tab. Click on the + in the window called "My News Feeds." Then click gray "edit" button in the upper right of the window you will see the "My News Feed Preferences" and empty fields marked "Enter your RSS Feeds". You can enter Feed URLs here. (click on:  News—My News Feeds –Edit (where you can add RSS feeds) 
  • Your Refworks account: login to Refworks, then from the Search menu, select RSS. You may then add "feed URLs" to this page, which is a feed reader.  (You may also share your Refworks account with others. Click here  for more about setting up an RSS feed from your Refworks account that others may subscribe to in their own feed reader.)

Other popular readers:

How do I add a link to an RSS feed reader?

Look for an orange RSS/XML/RDF icon on a web site.  Here are some examples of what to look for:

    RSS Updates             

These are shortcuts to the location of the RSS feed. The location is expressed as a URL (like  a web site) and typically ends in .rss or .xml

Right click (or on a Mac, control-click) on the icon, “Copy link location” and Paste the copied link into your feed reader.


Read more about RSS: