After searching in "Catalog Search", when you're viewing the information about an individual book, click the "RefWorks" icon (located under Send to).
You can export references to RefWorks from nearly all of the library's subscribed databases.
JSTOR is used as an example here, but most databases work in a similar way.
To import references from Google Scholar you need to adjust your settings:
After adjusting your settings, when you search Google Scholar you will then be able to click on a button labeled "Import to RefWorks" under the citations in the result list.
RefWorks offers a tool that will try to scan and parse the webpage you are on and import its citation information into RefWorks.
From the main RefWorks page, click on the button that looks like three dots stacked on top of each other, and then click Tools.
Click on Install Save to RefWorks. Then, drag the bookmarklet to the bookmark bar in your browser.
Now, whenever you want to try to save something to RefWorks from webpage, just click on this button in your bookmark bar and RefWorks will open a panel and try to pull the information needed for a citation.
To upload a PDF to RefWorks, click on the "+" icon then choose "Upload document." Its metadata will create a reference.
If you want to cite something you did not find in a database (like a book, or a PDF found elsewhere), you can manually enter the citation information into RefWorks.
In RefWorks, click the plus sign icon in RefWorks' main menu and choose "Create New Reference."
In the form that appears, choose the source type (book, journal article, etc.) from the drop-down menu, then enter in the reference information and save.