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Social Work

This guide provides descriptions of commonly used library resources for practice, research, and scholarship in the field of Social Work.

3) Use the databases

NYU Libraries licenses over 1,500 databases to support the discovery of and access to academic scholarship and research literature. 

On this page, you will learn about specific databases used for finding resources in Social Work and Psychology. The accompanying videos will demonstrate how to use these databases effectively.

On the next page, 4) Get articles, books, journals you will learn how to use BobCat, the library catalog, to find print materials as well as other useful services.

PsycINFO (via APA PsycNET)

PsycINFO Tutorial (Run-time: 2 minutes, 26 seconds)

Social Services Abstracts

Social Services Abstracts Tutorial (Run-time: 1 minute, 29 seconds)


SocINDEXTutorial (Run-time: 1 minute, 16 seconds)

Web of Science

Web of Science Tutorial (Run-time: 5 minutes, 38 seconds)

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Tutorial (Run-time: 3 minutes, 6 seconds)