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Teaching at NYU Libraries

Orientation to teaching at NYU Libraries and resources available for teaching support.

Instruction Program Overview

These slides describe the overall instruction program at NYU Libraries, including what we teach, who teaches, and our classroom spaces.

Transcript of Instruction Program Overview slideshow

UIS & Support for Teaching

Meet the UIS Department

These slides describe the work of the Undergraduate & Instructional Services (UIS) department and its role in providing teaching support to all librarians, reference associates, and others who teach within the Division of Libraries.

Transcript of Meet the UIS Department slideshow

Gearing Up to Teach

Gearing Up to Teach

The UIS Department is ready to help you acclimate to teaching at NYU Libraries. Below are steps you can take to ease into classroom teaching. You can decide which steps make sense for you, depending on your existing knowledge of NYU Libraries and your prior experience and comfort level with teaching.


  • STEP 1: Review all the content in this guide.
    • This guide has the information you need to prepare for your teaching role. If you'd like to follow up by meeting with someone from UIS to chat about teaching and/or clarify any questions you might have, please contact us at
  • STEP 2: Observe library colleagues' classes
    • You're welcome to sit in on classes taught by members of UIS and the Core Instruction Team. Contact us at and we will help you identify scheduled classes that meet your availability.
    • Feel free to reach out directly to colleagues in Research & Research Services, Special Collections, and Data Services to ask if you can observe one of their classes.
    • Check this list of library class observation opportunities and sign up to observe.
  • STEP 3: Team-teach with a library colleague
    • The first few times in the classroom, it might be helpful to team up with a more experienced library colleague. To find a partner, be encouraged to reach out to the UIS librarians and/or a colleague in Research & Research Services or other department.
  • STEP 4: Teach solo
    • When you begin to teach solo, remember that UIS remains a support by providing resources such as lesson plans examples, learning objects, and advice.