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Teaching at NYU Libraries

Orientation to teaching at NYU Libraries and resources available for teaching support.

Scheduling a Class

Subject Librarians and Other Specialists (Subject-Specific & Specialized Classes)

Calendar icon.Faculty usually request subject/specialized library classes by contacting the subject librarian or specialist directly. (Occasionally, requests come through the library instruction request form, which are received by the UIS department and are immediately forwarded to the relevant specialist.)

Scheduling the library class involves:

  • Booking a library classroom (unless you'll be teaching in the requesting instructor's classroom or Zoom)
  • Confirming details with the instructor

Core Instruction Team (Foundational Classes)

The Core Instruction Team consists of the members of the Undergraduate & Instructional Services (UIS) department and the reference/instruction associates in Teaching, Learning, and Engagement (TLE). This team handles library instruction for foundational courses such as first year experience, first year writing, and first year seminar.

As requests come in for these classes (usually through the library instruction request form) the UIS reference/instruction associate schedules them -- i.e. books a room, assigns a library instructor from the Core Instruction Team, and confirms with the requesting instructor. (For details, see the Procedure for Scheduling Core Instruction Team Classes document.)

Classrooms in Bobst

This section covers:


Calendar event detailing the list of library classrooms available to invite.

How to Book a Bobst Library Classroom:

  1. Go to your own Google calendar, create an event, and click the "More Options" link.
  2. Click the "Rooms" link to show the list of available rooms.
  3. Select an available room.


Inventory of Bobst Library Classrooms:

> For the combination to the laptop cart lock in rooms 619 & 743, see this page of the NYU Libraries wiki.

  • Medium-Sized Classroom
  • Seminar Classrooms
  • Special Collections Classrooms (available to Special Collections library instructors only)
    • Rm. 251
    • Rm. 252
    • Rm. 253

Note: For a complete list of Bobst  meeting, events, and classroom spaces, see Bobst Spaces Booking Guide.


Instructions for Using Classroom Technology in Bobst

Tracking Your Class Statistics

NYU Libraries tracks data about all the classes we teach for statistical and analytical purposes. The UIS department coordinates data collection, but relies on you to report the classes you teach.

  • UIS provides a personalized spreadsheet for you to input your classes. You'll find your spreadsheet in your Google drive under the title: [Your Name] Spreadsheet for Reporting Library Instruction Classes.
  • Data is collected per academic year, delineated by the tabs at the bottom of your spreadsheet. Include all the classes you teach in the fall, spring, and summer semesters of that year.
  • You can fill in your spreadsheet cumulatively or all at once. It is due by August 31 of each year.

What is Considered a "Class"

Since NYU Libraries is required to report our yearly instruction statistics to the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), we go by ARL's definition of what is considered a library class.

These DO count as library instruction classes:

Presentations to groups made as part of formal bibliographic instruction programs and through other planned presentations, including:

  • class presentations
  • orientation sessions
  • tours
  • If the library sponsors multi-session or credit courses that meet several times over the course of a semester, each session should be counted.

These presentations may be for any of these purposes:

  • library instruction / other educational
  • cultural
  • recreational

Presentations both on and off the premises should be included as long as they are sponsored by the library.

These DO NOT count as library instruction classes:
  • meetings sponsored by other groups using library meeting rooms
  • training for library staff
  • personal, one-to-one instruction (should be counted as reference transaction)