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A guide to using the citation management tool Zotero.

What Is Zotero?

Zotero logo.Zotero is a tool that can help you build a personal library of source information from articles, books, documents, web pages, and more.  This personal library of sources can work with your word processing tool to format a paper in your choice of style.

  • Save citations from databases, web sites, and library catalogs
  • Manage, categorize into collections, and organize
  • Cite sources "in-text" as you write and create reference lists in most styles (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago, Vancouver, etc.)
  • Attach PDF's, images, web page snapshots, reading notes, and more to citations in your collection

Zotero is an extension for the Firefox web-browser (or can be downloaded for the Chrome or Safari connector) that runs in its own pane, separately from web pages. It automatically detects content in your web browser, allowing you to add to your personal library with a single click.

What is Zotero? (Video introduction from the Zotero team)

What's new in Zotero 6

Version 6 of Zotero was released in March 2022. For more information on the new features -- including an upgrade to the notes editor, PDF annotations, and the ability to add notes and annotations directly into your word processor documents -- please see the update post on the Zotero blog:

Zotero workshop materials

Need a quick citation formatting tool? Try ZoteroBib!

ZoteroBib is a new online tool from the makers of Zotero, similar to EasyBib or BibMe, that quickly formats citations for your bibliography. You can type in a title to search for a citation, or paste in a URL, DOI, ISBN, or PubMed or arXiv ID. ZoteroBib will then give you a citation in the style of your choice, ready to copy and paste into your document.

For more information, see the blog post on ZoteroBib on the main Zotero site, or the ZoteroBib FAQ.