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How To & Help LibGuides TEMPLATE

A working draft of a design template for creating new How-To and Help LibGuides. Add your own Guide description here. Make it descriptive, but short and sweet.

Template Overview

This LibGuide is meant to serve as a bare bones template for creating a new how-to & Help LibGuide. In creating a new LibGuide, be sure to take a look at other guides in the NYU Libraries and the LibGuide Community site for inspiration.  

If you choose to use this template guide, be sure to make a copy of the template so you can alter the pages, boxes and text as you see fit.

To copy this LibGuide Template:

  1. Go to the LibGuides Home Page and click the "Create Guide" link
  2. Where it asks you to "Choose Layout or Reuse" select the "Copy content / layout from an existing page" option
  3. In the dialog box that opens, select "How To & Help Template"
  4. Give the Guide a name and a brief description
  5. Choose the guide type "How To & Help"

Springshare Help:

Examples of different types of How-to & Help LibGuides:

Introduction to [SUBJECT]

What is the [SUBJECT]?

[Give a brief overview of the subject of the Guide. Make sure you follow the NYU Libraries LibGuides Style Manual's Writing and Language Guidelines to avoid long, dense descriptions.]

Quick Facts

Use "Add / Reorder → Media / Widget" to add content like YouTube videos to Guide. Give the content a descriptive heading with Rich Text Editor including information such as creator, title of the content, medium, length, or other applicable information.

NYU One Minute of Beethoven (YouTube Video, 59 Seconds)

Guide Overview

Use this guide to:

  • Learn how to get started with [SUBJECT]
  • Follow a step-by-step walkthrough of [SUBJECT]
  • Find information on a specific topic of [SUBJECT]