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LexisNexis REST API

Learn how to request access to the LexisNexis REST API at NYU.

Build and Test Your Searches

Please utilize the Web Services API User Interface to build and test your GET requests before using NYU's collective limits. Access to this portal requires the access to LexisNexis REST API

  1. Enter search terms: using quotation marks for phrase searching 
  2. Order preference: Use $order to specify how results are returned
  3. For News content type, use $expandDocument to improve performance.
  4. Select specific fields: from the response using the $select option.
  5. Create the GET request: which user can utilize it in an API client, e.g. Python, Postman.
  6. Preview the results: pay attention to the number of news articles retrieved by this search.
  7. Narrow down the results: use $expandPostFilters for composing advanced searches. Detailed guidelines can be found here.

Tips: Refer to the LexisNexis Developer Portal: News API for more information of using parameters $search, $expand, $top, and $orderby.


Sample Query

NYU's collective limits: restricted to 5 requests/minute, 200/hour, and 2,500/day 

Note: A 429 error indicates that the daily limit has been reached. Please wait 24 hours before attempting to extract data again. For preliminary search, please use Nexis Uni and Web Services API User Interface. Please contact the business librarians if you have further questions.

Google Colab:

REST API Documentation

Web Services API: LexisNexis Client ID and Client Secret are required for access

LexisNexis Web Services Developer's Site

  • API documentation is available to users who create an account.
  • Requires a LexisNexis Client ID and Client Secret for API call testing.


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