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How to use NYU Libraries' repository to make your research materials widely available and citeable.

Deposit Policies

Accepted deposits

Digital materials produced in pursuit of academic endeavors are eligible for deposit in UltraViolet, provided that requirements for copyright clearance, restrictions on sensitive or high-risk data, and other limitations outlined here are met. NYU Libraries reserves the right to decline a submission that does not meet its requirements to be accepted for deposit.

The UltraViolet service team will work with the depositor(s) to ensure that all deposits:

  • Contain all files and context needed to be understood and used by others.
  • Include appropriate and sufficient metadata to enable others to find and access the materials.

Once the deposit has been reviewed by the UltraViolet service team and published, it is immediately accessible worldwide, except in cases where an embargo has been applied. 

Protected Information

Research materials that contain sensitive or confidential information, e.g., protected health information (PHI) or personally identifying information (PII) are not appropriate for deposit in UltraViolet. Please contact the UltraViolet service team for recommendations of  possible solutions.

Who Can Deposit

Those eligible for making a deposit with UltraViolet include staff, students, faculty, and NYU-appointed researchers who possess an active NYU NetID and who were involved in the creation of the assets being deposited. Submissions from multi-institutional collaborations are acceptable, provided that they include at least one participant who is active at NYU. Depositors must also have the appropriate copyright/intellectual property rights to deposit their intended materials.

ORCiD Requirements for Depositors

To ensure high quality metadata associated with a deposit, all creators and co-authors associated with a deposit must have an Open Researcher and Contributor ID, or ORCiD ( An ORCiD helps ensure the linkage between a creator and data and digital materials placed in UltraViolet. The ORCiD organization is a global non-profit organization, and its system is used by the vast majority of publishers, grant agencies, data repositories, and libraries to manage the identification of scholarly output. Requests for exceptions by researchers who desire to deposit with UltraViolet without an ORCiD will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Required Metadata

Accurate and robust metadata enables effective discovery of materials in UltraViolet. Depositors are required to complete a form with information about their deposits, from which the service team will generate metadata records open to the public.

Updating or Editing Metadata

Depositors are permitted to edit deposit metadata to reflect updates, clarifications, or other needed changes at any time.

Metadata Retention

Metadata records will be retained (and public) in UltraViolet and GitHub even if files are withdrawn.

Updates or Edits to Deposited Files

Depositors are permitted to upload new versions of previously deposited data and/or digital files. In such cases, the repository creates a new version of the record and mints a new DOI for the latest version. Previous versions will be retained on UltraViolet along with the previous DOI attached to that version, to ensure continuity of citation. This means that no files and metadata from any published version of a deposit will be deleted.

Removing/withdrawing files

Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to remove material (e.g. due to retraction, unintentional violation of policy). A request for removal should be directed to the service team ( and include the reasoning behind the proposed change. Information about the reasons for withdrawal and date of removal will be added to the metadata record, which will remain public forever.

Accepted file formats

Depositors may submit files of any type. While the service team will perform file-integrity maintenance (e.g. fixity checking), it will not transform or migrate files to different formats after the initial deposit.

File size and count limits

While the team cannot guarantee the ability to distribute data of all possible sizes, every effort will be made to work with depositors to accommodate deposits of big data. Although we do not place specific limits on the size of deposits, please contact the service team at for deposits over 100 files or 10GB (per file) to discuss the best method for submitting files to the repository and making them available to end users.

Licensing deposits

Depositors must select and assign a license from an approved list to items that they deposit. By default, the deposit form populates with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, but depositors may change this to any of the available licenses.

Embargoing a deposit

Depositors may embargo files in a deposit for a period of up to one year. Metadata and citation information cannot be embargoed and will be publicly visible on every deposit regardless of whether or not the files are embargoed. After the embargo period, the files will be openly accessible worldwide. Depositors seeking a longer embargo for funder compliance may request a special exemption by contacting the service team via

UltraViolet Management Policies

Copyright and intellectual property rights of deposits

To deposit materials in UltraViolet, the materials must fall into one of three different categories of copyright and IP: 

  • NYU has a license (from a depositor or vendor) giving it the right to make materials available through the platform.
  • The materials are in the public domain.
  • Distributing the material via the repository constitutes fair use.

Each deposit requires that depositors grant (or secure, if the depositor is not or is no longer the rights holder) a nonexclusive license to NYU Libraries for the distribution and preservation of their deposited materials through UltraViolet. This nonexclusive license in no way limits the rights of the collection owner or original rights holder, and is only for the purpose of ensuring access to the content through the repository. For more information on copyright ownership and permissions, please see the NYU Libraries' Copyright Research Guide. NYU Libraries reserves the right to remove items from the repository temporarily or permanently if there is reasonable suspicion that the materials violate the intellectual property or other rights of third parties.

Metadata Visibility and Licensing

Metadata records are publicly visible on UltraViolet and GitHub. Regardless of which license a depositor chooses for their deposit, the record’s metadata will always be distributed with a CC0 license in order to facilitate the broadest possible use.

Curation & augmenting a deposit

The UltraViolet service team reserves the right to enhance the metadata of records submitted. Additions and enhancements to metadata may seek to improve discoverability, link to relevant ontologies, or to address the concerns of reparative descriptive work at NYU Libraries. Should the service team make changes to deposited materials, they will reach out to the depositor for approval before publication.

The UltraViolet service team reserves the right to propose changes to files submitted in order to maximize their usability and understandability. Should the service team make changes to deposited materials, they will reach out to the depositor for approval before publication.

Technical Maintenance

Depositors should be aware that the service team will make backups and/or additional copies (using the same or a different file format) of uploaded files to ensure preservation and digital accessibility, enable safe migration or upgrade of systems, or to restore systems. Such actions will be taken without notification of depositors.

Issuance of DOIs

The service team will issue a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to be used as a persistent identifier for all deposited datasets at the item or record level, as well as for each subsequent version of a  record. The repository team commits to keeping DOIs current so that they  will always resolve the original submitted assets. UltraViolet's DOIs are registered with DataCite, enabling the distribution of metadata associated with each DOI to propagate to publishers, discovery platforms, and other providers who make use of DataCite's shared data. DOIs issued with deposit are typically active within a few hours of publication on UltraViolet.

Preservation Commitment

NYU Libraries is committed to responsible, sustainable management and ensuring long-term access for content deposited. NYU Libraries will provide preservation storage and perform ongoing file integrity checks. Deposited content will be preserved in the file format submitted. The UltraViolet service team can provide guidance about the most preservable formats for various types of content.

When a depositor  leaves the university, content deposited in UltraViolet will remain in the repository in order to ensure persistent access. The UltraViolet service team can help with exporting content and structured metadata upon request.

Privacy of Depositor-Provided User Data

NYU Libraries requires basic system account information (i.e. data required for deposit) from depositors, as well as the ability to link usage of assets deposited on the platform with depositors in order to provide users with metrics. Metadata for deposits, including the identity of the creators and collaborators, is also shared with outside parties in accordance with the CC0 license described above. NYU Libraries does not otherwise share any aspect of patron's interaction with the platform with other entities. Application search logs and other registers of activity by users on UltraViolet are destroyed regularly and are not shared.


The UltraViolet service team supports efforts to make its holdings as accessible to persons with disabilities as possible, and we will work with depositors as part of the curation process to offer advice and resources on configuring files to maximize such access.