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Data Visualization

Data Visualization Resources and Tools

Data Visualization Services Overview

This is a collection of resources about creating visualizations, design principles behind them, tools that can be used to create them, and blogs featuring visualizations that can inspire you to create your own.

If you are looking for assistance in creating a data visualization through NYU Data Services, see below.

Individual Consultations

The best way to request an individual consultation is via our appointment form, which will ensure that the appropriate consultant can meet with you at the time you requested.

Email Consultations

You may also send us your questions via email at Most e-mails will be answered within one business day (messages received on Friday will not be answered until Monday).

Data Visualization Consulting Guidelines

Services Provided

  • Our role is to facilitate your data visualization within the realm of our supported tools. We can assist you with issues that you may encounter with respect to preparing data for visualization (importing, merging, and cleaning data) and provide feedback regarding design. We can also provide guidance on selecting an appropriate tool for your task as well as locate documentation and further resources.

  • In addition to providing regularly scheduled software-specific tutorials, we can also help instructors by providing classroom presentations of supported software (e.g. R, Tableau) and of basic data visualization principles.

  • Our role is to assist you with your data visualization, rather than to create visualizations for you. It is the researcher's responsibility to ensure that the research design, analysis, and presentation are justified and appropriate for the discipline at hand.


Whom we can help

  • Consulting services are limited to current NYU students, faculty, and staff.


Types of assistance not covered by our service

  • Creation of visualizations on your behalf

  • Assistance with projects of commercial nature or those involving classified information, non-disclosure agreements, related to or likely to be involved in litigation, etc.

  • Software installation and licensing


For more information, see Data Services guidelines

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Original work in this LibGuide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.