NYU Libraries has access to over 1,200 databases that cover a wide range of topics. Use the Databases tab on the NYU Libraries website to find articles as well as historical newspapers, images, and more.
Not sure where to start? We've curated a list of African American and Black Diaspora Studies specific research databases that would be useful at any point in the research process.
There are three standard operators that can be used to connect these search words: AND, OR, and NOT.
Check for tips on searching provided by the database (i.e., ProQuest Central has a Search tip link that helps turn a basic search into a more strategic one). Remember to try various keyword combinations, synonyms and alternative spellings (i.e., person of color or person of colour).
EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) encompasses articles in databases across many disciplines. Users can locate peer reviewed articles, videos, audio files, images, and more from a range of subjects.
Full download of DRM-protected ebooks requires EBSCO account registration and Adobe Digital Editions.
Note: NYU Libraries is retiring EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) in June 2025. The Catalog Search replaces EDS as the tool for searching across multiple publishers’ databases and platforms. You can also use EBSCOhost to search across the full set of EBSCO-only databases.