Import citations from electronic databases and catalogs, take notes, create folders to organize your sources, format your references in standard styles (MLA, APA, etc.), insert footnotes and endnotes directly into your papers, and more using one of these bibliographic management tools.
Not sure how to choose which of these tools is right for you? Come to a Library Workshop or view our comparison chart for citation management and formatting tools.
A free, open-source tool that works with your web browser. There are two options: Zotero for Firefox is a Firefox-specific extension that offers the full range of functionality. Zotero Standalone--a separate browser-independent application that can be used with Chrome, Safari, or Opera--offers slightly less functionality than the Firefox extension.
NYU purchases a campus-wide subscription to this web-based service that covers all members of the NYU community. Because RefWorks is a web-based citation manager, you can use it from any Internet-connected computer/device on campus or off.
NYU has a campus-wide license to this software package, which you download (at no cost to you) to your laptop or desktop computer. The software includes a less developed web-based component called EndNoteWeb, which can be used to sync across multiple personal computers.