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Real Estate

Access the Jack Brause Library’s subscription resources for real estate research.

Popular Business Publications

Catalog Entry Commercial Web Interface Researcher Interface App
Barron's No Barron's via ProQuest No
Bloomberg Businessweek No Bloomberg Businessweek via EBSCO No Only on-site at the Bloomberg terminal using the BBG <GO> command via EBSCO (Most recent week not available due to publisher restriction) No
Crain's New York No Crain's New York via EBSCO No
The Economist The Economist (No account required) The Economist via ProQuest No
Financial Times  No Financial Times via ProQuest (Most recent 30 days not available due to publisher restriction) No
Harvard Business Review (HBR)  No Harvard Business Review via EBSCO No
HBR Digital Archive ( exclusive articles) No HBR Digital Archive via EBSCO No
New York Times Create a NYT Account The New York Times via ProQuest  Yes
Wall Street Journal Create a WSJ Account Wall Street Journal via ProQuest Yes
  • Catalog entry details all electronic access options, including platforms and date ranges.
  • Commercial web interface is the most convenient for leisure reading. Not all publishers sell access to their website to libraries.
  • Researcher interface is our recommendation for the best platform for searching within a publication.
  • App is whether or not NYU's subscription includes access via the publisher's mobile application.

Confused by these interfaces? Watch this video (NYU Stream, 4 minutes 59 seconds).

Open Access Real Estate Publications

Research Tips: Optimizing Your Access to Journal Articles