SAS is installed in several computer labs on campus, including Data Services workstations located on the 5th floor of Bobst Library.
SAS on Demand for Academics is available for access to professors and students for free. This is a virtual environment and requires installing Oracle VirtualBox on your machine.
SAS is also available for purchase through NYU OnTheHub.
For comprehensive information, please see the NYU IT SAS page.
NYU instructors and students have access to several e-learning courses via SAS. Course topics include both a focus on SAS programming and a focus on statistical concepts in SAS programming.
Ebook Central is NYU's preferred ebook provider. Users can search, read, highlight, and annotate full-text books in many subject areas, including the social sciences and humanities.
Skillsoft Books (formerly Books24x7) is an online collection of computer technology-related ebooks. It contains hundreds of books and videos from respected IT publishers such as MIT Press, Microsoft Press, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, Que, Sams, Sybex and Wiley. Use it to search for a wide variety of books and videos, ranging from beginners level to advanced (Microsoft Word for beginners or an advanced programming language).
O'Reilly's Safari Books Online provides access to ebooks related to technology, coding, developing, web design, and data visualization.
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Selected books on the topic (available online):
The Little SAS Book by Lora D. Delwiche; Susan J. Slaughter"A classic that just keeps getting better, The Little SAS Book is essential for anyone learning SAS programming. Lora Delwiche and Susan Slaughter offer a user-friendly approach so readers can quickly and easily learn the most commonly used features of the SAS language. Each topic is presented in a self-contained two-page layout complete with examples and graphics.The fifth edition has been completely updated to reflect the new default output introduced with SAS 9.3. In addition, there is a now a full chapter devoted to ODS Graphics including the SGPLOT and SGPANEL procedures. Other changes include expanded coverage of linguistic sorting and a new section on concatenating macro variables with other text. This book is a great tool for users of SAS 9.4 as well.This title belongs on every SAS programmer's bookshelf. It's a resource not just to get you started, but one you'll return to as you continue to improve your programming skills.This book is part of the SAS Press program."
ISBN: 9781612904009
Publication Date: 2012-10-12
Learning SAS by Example by Ron CodyLearning SAS® by Example, A Programmer's Guide, Second Edition, teaches SAS programming from very basic concepts to more advanced topics. Because most programmers prefer examples rather than reference-type syntax, this book uses short examples to explain each topic. The second edition has brought this classic book on SAS programming up to the latest SAS version, with new chapters that cover topics such as PROC SGPLOT and Perl regular expressions.
ISBN: 1635266599
Publication Date: 2018-07-01
Categorical Data Analysis Using SAS, Third Edition by Maura E. Stokes; Charles S. Davis; Gary G. KochStatisticians and researchers will find Categorical Data Analysis Using SAS, Third Edition, by Maura Stokes, Charles Davis, and Gary Koch, to be a useful discussion of categorical data analysis techniques as well as an invaluable aid in applying these methods with SAS. Practical examples from a broad range of applications illustrate the use of the FREQ, LOGISTIC, GENMOD, NPAR1WAY, and CATMOD procedures in a variety of analyses. Topics discussed include assessing association in contingency tables and sets of tables, logistic regression and conditional logistic regression, weighted least squares modeling, repeated measurements analyses, loglinear models, generalized estimating equations, and bioassay analysis. The third edition updates the use of SAS/STAT software to SAS/STAT 12.1 and incorporates ODS Graphics. Many additional SAS statements and options are employed, and graphs such as effect plots, odds ratio plots, regression diagnostic plots, and agreement plots are discussed. The material has also been revised and reorganized to reflect the evolution of categorical data analysis strategies. Additional techniques include such topics as exact Poisson regression, partial proportional odds models, Newcombe confidence intervals, incidence density ratios, and so on. This book is part of the SAS Press program.
ISBN: 1607646641
Publication Date: 2012-07-31
Proc SQL by Kirk Paul LaflerKirk Lafler's PROC SQL: Beyond the Basics Using SAS, Second Edition, offers a step-by-step example-driven guide that helps readers master the language of PROC SQL. Packed with analysis and examples illustrating an assortment of PROC SQL options, statements, and clauses, this book can be approached in a number of ways. Users can read it cover-to-cover or selectively by chapter; they can use the extensive index to find content of interest or refer to the helpful "tips to remember" that precede each chapter to look for help on a specific topic. The second edition explores new and powerful features in SAS 9.3, and includes such topics as adding data to a table with a SET clause; bulk loading data from Microsoft Excel; distinguishing between DATA step merges and PROC SQL joins; rules for designing indexes; cardinality and index selectivity; and demystifying join algorithms. It also features an expanded discussion of CASE expressions, and new sections on complex query applications, and grouping and performance. Delving into the workings of PROC SQL with greater analysis and discussion, PROC SQL: Beyond the Basic Using SAS, Second Edition, examines a broad range of topics and provides greater detail about this powerful database language using discussion and numerous real-world examples.
SAS 9.4 Macro Language by S. A. S. Sas (Created by)Explains how to increase the modularity, flexibility, and maintainability of your SAS code using the SAS macro facility. Provides complete information about macro language elements, interfaces between the SAS macro facility and other parts of SAS software, and macro processing in general.