Criminal Justice Abstracts contains bibliographic records and select full text of leading journals and magazines in the fields of criminal justice and criminology. It covers a wide range of topics, including corrections and prisons, policing, history of crime, criminal investigations, forensic sciences and investigations, forensic psychology, substance abuse and addiction, probation and parole, criminal law, and more.
Education Source with ERIC provides access to research on all levels of education from early childhood to adult education. The content includes peer reviewed journal articles, ebooks, book reviews, dissertations, conference papers and policy reports on all topics in the realm of education.
APA PsycNET is an integrated collection of databases from the American Psychological Association (APA), including the following: PsycINFO, PsycBOOKS, PsycTESTS, PsycTHERAPY, PsycARTICLES, and PsycEXTRA.
PsycINFO, the most popular database in PsycNET, is a bibliographic index covering core literature in the psychological and behavioral sciences and their related disciplines. PsycBOOKS includes online versions of the APA Handbooks in Psychology Series, as well as other ebooks and online encyclopedias published by APA. PsycTESTS is a source of structured information about psychological tests and measures as well as a repository for the full text of select instruments. PsycTHERAPY provides access to streaming psychotherapy demonstration videos.
Altogether, PsycNET provides information about and access to journal articles, books and ebooks, dissertations, conference presentations, tests and measures, videos, gray literature, and many other other publication types in the psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences.
To search only a specific database (e.g., PsycINFO) within the PsycNET interface, use the "Select Databases" features at the top of the PsycNET landing page and check (or uncheck) the database(s) that apply.
Indexes scholarly articles, book reviews, and dissertations on social work, human services, social welfare and social policy. Dates of coverage: 1979 to present.
SocINDEX covers the sociology literature, encompassing all sub-disciplines and closely related areas of study. It indexes scholarly journals, books, monographs, and conference papers.
Sociological Abstracts represents the core database for sociological scholarship, covering literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. It indexes scholarly journals, dissertations and theses, books, and conference papers and proceedings, and is international in scope.
This comprehensive reference work presents an in-depth analysis of juvenile justice systems across the world. The second edition now covers a total of 34 countries, across North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East from an international and comparative perspective.
Cites literature that focuses on the history and mission of the juvenile justice system, the function of key juvenile justice institutions, and how the system has changed over time.
Provides an overview of the history of juvenile detention as well as causes, interventions, and alternatives. It specifically addresses race and gender differences.
Focuses on social work’s perspective on juvenile justice but does include work from other fields. It covers aspects of the juvenile justice system, the juvenile offender, demographics, theories about delinquency, interventions, policies and laws.
Provides an extensive background and overview of the current state of juvenile sentencing, including a chronology of the issue, maps and data, and bibliography.