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Accessibility at NYU Libraries

Guide to support academic accommodations and accessibility at NYU Libraries.

Top 10 tips for making social media more accessible!

Social media logos.

  1. Use #CamelCaseHashtags
  2. Describe your images via alt text, if possible, or via captions
  3. Write posts that are clear, concise, and well organized
  4. Avoid acronyms (including in hashtags)
  5. Provide an indication that a link in a tweet is a photo, video or audio file (e.g. [Pic], [Video], [Audio])
  6. Use animated GIFs at a minimum
  7. Use emojis judiciously
  8. Ensure that any videos have captions and add a video description
  9. Avoid "click here" and make a link contextual
  10. Don't rely on color to convey meaning

What to Know about Social Media Accessibility

Inclusive design increases access. A social media strategy that considers inclusive design does the same. Without accessibility, you miss out on connecting with your full potential audience.

At least one billion people—15% of the world’s population—experience some form of disability. That figure increases significantly when it accounts for temporary and situational disabilities. Non-inclusive content and experiences push people away. And it’s not always easy to pinpoint when that happens. Excluded web visitors often don’t complain: 71% just leave.

Learn more!