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Business in Contemporary China

This page is a starting point for students researching Chinese industries, consumers, and companies.

English Language Journals


Note: Open Access: Yes, means 100% open access journal; hybrid, means partial articles are supported by open access; no, means not a open access journal.


Start Year Publisher Frequency Peer-reviewed Open Access

China Accounting and Finance Review

Link 1; Link 2

1999 Emerald Quarterly Yes Yes

China Agricultural Economic Review

2009 Emerald Quarterly Yes Hybrid

China Business Review

1990 U.S. China Business Council Monthly No No

China Economic Journal

2008 Taylor & Francis Tri-annually Yes Hybrid

China Economic Review

1989 Elsevier Bimonthly Yes Hybrid

China Finance and Economic Review

2013 De Gruyter Quarterly Yes No

China Finance Review International

2011 Emerald Quarterly Yes Hybrid

China Information

1986 SAGE Tri-annually Yes No

China Report

1965 SAGE Quarterly Yes No

China Journal of Accounting Studies

2013 Taylor & Francis Quarterly Yes Yes

China Journal of Accounting Research

2008 Elsevier Quarterly Yes Yes
Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment 2004 National Center for Philosophy and Social Sciences Documentation Quarterly Yes Yes

China Political Economy

2018 Emerald Semi-annually Yes Yes

China Population and Development Studies

2017 Springer Nature Quarterly Yes Hybrid

China & World Economy

2006 Wiley Bimonthly Yes Yes

Chinese Management Studies

2007 Emerald Quarterly Yes Hybrid

Chinese Public Administration Review

2002 SAGE Quarterly Yes No

Frontiers of Business Research in China

(2007-2015, 2007-2024)

2007 Higher Education Press Quarterly Yes Yes

International Studies of Economics

 (Formerly known as Frontiers of Economics in China)

2006 Wiley Quarterly Yes Yes

Frontiers of Engineering Management

(2014-2018, 2019-)

2014 Higher Education Press Quarterly Yes Yes

Global Media and China

2016 SAGE Quarterly Yes Yes

Journal of China Tourism Research

2008 Taylor & Francis Quarterly Yes Hybrid

Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies

2003 Taylor & Francis Quarterly Yes Hybrid

Journal of Chinese Governance

2016 Taylor & Francis Quarterly Yes Hybrid
Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science 2018 Emerald Tri-annually Yes Hybrid

Journal of Current Chinese Affairs

2009 SAGE Tri-annually Yes Yes

Management and Organization Review

2005 Cambridge Quarterly Yes Hybrid

Modern China

1975 SAGE Bimonthly Yes No
Nankai Business Review International 2010 Emerald Quarterly Yes Hybrid

Social Sciences in China

1983 National Center for Philosophy and Social Sciences Documentation Quarterly Yes Hybrid

The China Quarterly

1960 Cambridge Quarterly Yes Hybrid

The Chinese Economy

(Formly known as Chinese Economic Studies)

1967 Taylor & Francis Bimonthly Yes Hybrid

The Chinese Journal of Global Governance

(Ceased in 2020)

2015 Brill Semi-annually Yes Yes

Chinese Language Journals - Economics & Finance


Note: Personal registration is required before you access the full text through the Open Access portal. The English titles of the journals are translated by the organizers in China, not as the same journal titles originally published in English.


Title Start Year Organizer Frequency Peer-reviewed Open Access


(China Economic Studies)

1959 School of Economics, Xiamen University Bimonthly Yes No



1981 National Development and Reform Commission of the State Council of China Monthly Yes Yes


(Economic Science)

1979 Peking University Bimonthly Yes Yes


(Economic Theory and Business Management)

1981 Renmin University of China Monthly Yes Yes


(China Economic Quarterly)

2001 China Center for Economic Research, Peking University Bimonthly Yes Yes


(Economic Research Journal)

1955 Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Monthly Yes Yes


(Economic Perspectives)

1960 Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Monthly Yes Yes


(Business and Management Journal)

1979 Institute of Industrial Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Monthly Yes Yes


(Science Research Management)

1980 Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences Monthly Yes Yes


(The Journal of World Economy)

1978 China Society of World Economics; Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Monthly Yes Yes


(Finance & Trade Economics)

1980 National Academy of Economic Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Monthly Yes Yes


(Public Finance Research)

Link 1; Link 2

1980 Society of Public Finance of China Monthly Yes Yes, after 2017


(Fiscal Science)

1993 Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences Monthly Yes Yes


(Journal of Finance and Economics)

1956 Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Monthly Yes Yes


(China Industrial Economics)

1987 Institute of Industrial Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Monthly Yes Yes


(Journal of Agrotechnical Economics) Link1; Link 2

1982 Chinese Association of Agro-Technical Economics Monthly Yes Yes, after 2008


(Issues in Agricultural Economy) Link 1, Link 2

1980 Chinese Association of Agricultural Economics Monthly Yes Yes, after 2008


(China Rural Survey)

1980 Rural Development Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Bimonthly Yes Yes


(Chinese Rural Economy)

1985 Rural Development Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Monthly Yes Yes


(Journal of Financial Research)

1958 China Society for Finance and Banking Monthly Yes Yes


(Chinese Review of Financial Studies)

2009 Institute of Finance and Banking, Chinese Academy of Soial Sciences Bimonthly Yes Yes


(Financial Regulation Research)

2012 China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission Monthly Yes Yes


(Financial Theory and Practice)

1979 Zhengzhou Central Sub-branch, People's Bank of China; Henan Society for Finance and Banking Monthly Yes Yes


(Journal of Finance and Economics)

1980 Jiangxi Society for Finance and Banking Monthly Yes Yes


(Shanghai Finance)

1980 Shanghai Society for Finance and Banking Monthly Yes Yes


(China Money) Link 1; Link 2

2001 China Foreign Exchange Trade System; National Interbank Funding Center Monthly No Yes, from 2008


(Securities Market Herald)

1991 Research Institute, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Monthly No Yes


(Insurance Studies)

Link 1; Link 2

1980 Insurance Society of China Monthly Yes Yes, after 2021


(Accounting Research)

1980 Accounting Society of China Monthly Yes Yes


(Auditing Research)

1985 China Audit Society Bimonthly Yes Yes

Chinese Language Journals - Marketing & Management


NotePersonal registration is required before you access the full text through the Open Access portal. The English titles of the journals are translated by the organizers in China, not as the same journal titles originally published in English.


Title Start Year Organizer Frequency Peer-reviewed Open Access


(Journal of Marketing Science)

2005 School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University; Guanghua School of Management, Peking University; China Marketing Association of Universities Quarterly Yes No


(Research on China Market Regulation)

1992 China Society for Market Regulation and Administration Monthly No Yes


(China Market)

1994 China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing Thrice-monthly Yes Yes


(Supply Chain Management)

2000 China Society of Logistics Monthly No Yes


(China Land Science)

Link 1; Link 2

1987 China Land Science Society; Chinese Land Surveying and Planning Institute Monthly Yes Yes, after 2000


(Population Journal)

1979 Jilin University Bimonthly Yes Yes


(Population Research)

1977 Renmin University of China Bimonthly Yes Yes


(Chinese Journal of Population Science)

1987 Institute of Population and Labor Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Bimonthly Yes Yes


(China Population, Resources and Environment)

1989 Chinese Society for Sustainable Development Monthly Yes Yes


(The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics)

1984 Institute of Quantitative & Technological Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Monthly Yes Yes


(Journal of Applied Statistics and Management)

1982 Chinese Association for Applied Statistics Bimonthly Yes Yes


(Statistical Research)

1984 National Statistical Society of China; Institute of Statistical Sciences, National Bureau of Statistics Monthly Yes Yes


(Nankai Business Review)

1992 Business School of Nankai University Bimonthly Yes Yes


(Journal of Management Sciences in China)

2008 Tianjin University; Department of Management Science, National Natural Science Foundation of China Quarterly Yes Yes


(Journal of Management Science)

1987 School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology Bimonthly Yes Yes


(Management Review)

1989 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Monthly Yes Yes


(Journal of Management World)

1985 Development Research Center of the State Council of China Monthly Yes Yes


(Chinese Journal of Management)

2004 Huazhong University of Science and Technology Monthly Yes Yes


(Chinese Journal of Management Science)

1984 Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and Economic Mathematics; Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences Monthly Yes Yes


(Chinese Public Administration)

1985 Chinese Public Administration Society Monthly Yes Yes


(Journal of Public Management)

2004 School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology Quarterly Yes Yes


(Social Sciences in China)

1980 Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Monthly Yes Yes