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Chemistry (New York, Abu Dhabi, Shanghai)

This is a guide for finding books, articles, and data in chemistry. It also includes links to download ChemDraw and other software, and information about using the proxy prefix and bookmarklet for off-campus access.

Best Bets for Searching


Searches the chemistry literature, including scholarly journals, patents, and conference proceedings. Also displays properties data (physical, chemical, spectral), purchasing and regulatory information. You can search by keyword or topic, as well as by structure.

Web of Science  

Search scholarly literature for chemistry, physics, and biology. It also has citation information (how many times an article has been cited), and special features like citation and search alerts, as well as advanced analytics.


Includes dynamic synthesis planner to design the optimum synthesis route and multi-step reaction tools to identify precursor reactions underlying synthesis of target compounds. Searchable by structure, formula, and reaction.

Popular Downloads


Lets you locate properties information for structures and create publication-quality structural diagrams/models. 

  1. If you haven't created a Signals ChemDraw account yet, submit the request form. (This process can take 1-2 days.)
  2. Go to NYU's Signals ChemDraw portal and log in using your NYU email address and the password you chose when you created your new Signals ChemDraw account. 
  3. Scroll down to the “Installers” section, and click on the “ChemDraw Desktop Suite Installer.”
  4. Download and install ChemDraw Desktop Suite software.
  5. The first time you run the ChemDraw software, you'll be prompted to choose a licensing option. Select "Signals account" and click Continue.
  6. When prompted for the Signals URL, enter this: Then log in using your NYU email and the password for your ChemDraw account, and finish the downloading process.

​Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) 

Is a worldwide repository of small molecule crystal structures hosted by Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center (CCDC). NYU has a site license to access CSD.


Is NMR processing software for Windows, Mac, and Linux.