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Chemistry (New York, Abu Dhabi, Shanghai)

This is a guide for finding books, articles, and data in chemistry. It also includes links to download ChemDraw and other software, and information about using the proxy prefix and bookmarklet for off-campus access.


If Bobst or an NYU Consortium Library (New School, Cooper Union, IFA, etc.) does not own a book that you need, you can request it from Interlibrary Loan.



Searches the chemistry literature, including scholarly journals, patents, and conference proceedings. Also displays properties data (physical, chemical, spectral), purchasing and regulatory information. You can search by keyword or topic, as well as by structure.

Web of Science (Science Citation Index)

Search scholarly literature for chemistry, physics, and biology. It also has citation information (how many times an article has been cited), and special features like citation and search alerts, as well as advanced analytics.


Search scholarly scientific literature. More journal titles are included in Scopus than in Web of Science, though pre-1996 coverage is not as extensive.


Includes medical literature and DNA/protein sequences.

Google Scholar

Searches a wide variety of scholarly information. To access full-text from off-campus, click "Preferences" (gear icon in the upper right corner) and click on "Library Links" in the left sidebar. Search for "NYU" in the blank provided. Choose "Get at NYU" (deselect other options), then save preferences.