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Thursdays: 12pm - 5pm
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Sharing data and code is an important part of your work as a researcher and scholar. Some steps you'll have to take when publishing code and data are to:
Describe your data and describe your code using the standard metadata of your field!
Describe your research process and methodology!
Get a DOI for you and your data and code!
Select a repository where your materials can be made available to other researchers!
NYU Libraries funds NYU's memberships in a few repositories that we consider to be conducting high-quality curation and helpful services for our community.
A persistent identifier is an identifier that is available and managed over time--this will not change if the object in question (say, a researcher or their dataset) is moved or renamed. This means that a persistent identifier allows for reliable future reference by humans and technology.
Get yourself an ORCID!
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an open, non-profit, community-based effort to provide a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers. By obtaining an ORCID, you have a persistent identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers that links you to all your research output and other professional activities. It allows you to be recognized, helps your data (and yourself!) become more discoverable, and can strengthen collaboration in the research community!
The best part is--it's free! Register to get your own ORCID identifier!