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A simple and effective way to share your research materials is to publish them in a repository. A repository is a storage facility (often also a preservation and curation facility) where users can upload and download their data, make it accessible and discoverable, all in an effort to fulfill grant requirements and/or support the free sharing of scholarly knowledge. Materials that are deposited into a repository should be:
Persistent (not likely to be modified)
Searchable and browesable
Retrieved or downloaded easily
A wide variety of institution-based and discipline-specific repositories exist for researchers to choose from. The repository itself should be:
If both a discipline-specific repository and an institution-based one exist for your data, then consider depositing in both locations to maximize discovery and safety of the data. If you need some help finding an appropriate repository for your work, don't hesitate to reach out to us!
There are many more repositories than we could list here, so we'll include our institutional repository and some up-to-date aggregators of repositories that can help you search for the right repository in your field:
Your options for publishing research code are somewhat more limited. There are:
NYU Libraries funds NYU's memberships in a few repositories that we consider to be conducting high-quality curation and helpful services for our community.