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Bobst Library, 5th floor
Mondays: 12pm - 5pm
Tuesdays: 12pm - 5pm
Wednesdays: 12pm - 5pm
Thursdays: 12pm - 5pm
Fridays: 12pm - 5pm
Welcome to Data Services – your go-to resource for unlocking the power of data at NYU! Whether you're a current student, faculty, or staff member, our team is here to support your journey at any and all points along the research data lifecycle. We assist with access to resources, data-related teaching and learning, preserving and sharing computational research, and much more. Find upcoming Data Services tutorials and events on NYU Libraries' Classes and Workshops calendar or sign up for our Data Services' e-newsletter to stay up-to-date. Explore the world of data with us!
The Research Data Lifecycle illustrates how data moves through the various phases of a research project and is set-up for reproducibility and reuse by other researchers. Our team works collaboratively to support all stages of the research data lifecycle:
NYU High Performance Computing provides access to state of the art supercomputer hardware and cloud services to eligible faculty and students across all of NYU. HPC regularly offers classes orienting newcomers to using HPC systems; check the class offerings by HPC on the main Library classes feed.
The NYU Instructional Tools for Coding service team offers a centralized JupyterHub deployment for course instructors. Access to the JupyterHub environment is granted by request each semester for faculty for their courses. Instructions on how to request and use the JupyterHub service are available on the NYU IT knowledge base.
The NYU Digital Studio helps scholars create, use, store, and share multimedia materials (video, audio, text, images) for their research, teaching, and learning. Scholars work hands-on with Digital Studio hardware, software, and online tools to accomplish their projects. The Digital Studio trains users on the tools and software to accomplish their work, and it consults on best practices, project scoping and design. The Digital Studio is available to NYU faculty, students, and staff. An NYU NetID is required for access.
Research Workspace, a collaborative service led by Digital Library Technology Services and Data Services, offers mountable storage for projects requiring high capacity storage for data during the active analysis stage of research projects. The services is provided by request, and is available for faculty or faculty-sponsored researchers.